Cognitive Combine

by Elite Performance Solutions, Inc

Health & Fitness


Benchmark your brain’s Cognitive vital signs and readiness. Peak performance requires dedication to your craft. Countless hours of practice, a tailored diet, and relentless physical training. Why would your brain be any different? We’ve developed a series of cognitive measures to help give you the insight you need to maximize your potential.Areas we target include:- Reaction Speed- Recognition- Memory- Decision Making- Processing Speed- Sleep, stress, and more Why is it important?Neuroimaging technology and analytics enable teams and individuals to see how their brain functions. By doing so, you can identify key strengths and weaknesses and target areas for training to maximize performance for each person. It helps coaches and leaders to understand what makes a person good at what they do and how to find more people like them. How does it work?Taken initially and then again, every 3-4 months, as a measurement tool that we use to benchmark your brain’s vital signs and readiness. A set of measures that can be completed within 15 -20 minutes and provides an evaluation of a person’s unique neurocognitive capabilities.Learn more about Cognitive Combine at